Tuesday, October 19, 2010

THE BASICS: a series

So what I want to do with the next week or so is start to cover the basics of skincare, makeup priming, application tools, application, and finishing. After this series is complete I want to link them on the home page for quick refrence.

Frankenstein Nails!

Halloween is less than 2 weeks away, and I started yesterday with a cute nail design saw on GoldieStarling's YouTube page. After I watched this I subscribed immediately, and tried her super cute design for size. I think it came out soo cute! (EXCUSE THE DISGUSTING CUTICLES!)
After this I did 2 coats of a glow in the dark top coat. I want to keep them on for at least today and try to think of something else to do tomorrow. Let me know if theres a specific look you want to see. So for today I think I'm going to do an eyeshadow look to match my FrankenNails.
And here are the pics I promised of my makeup look today:

First Post!

I've been wanting to start a Blog for sometime now. I've seen thousands of beauty blogs and I've only manages to read hundreds probably. After thinking about it and reading other blogs I found that even though there are only so many makeup, clothing, skincare, nail polish, etc. brands out there that I can bring my creativity to the web in hopes of inspiring someone else to start a blog. As of now I dont have any followers, but for the next few months I would really like to develop my page to better suit my readers. I'm open to any comments and suggestions. I want to be very interactive with my readers, and possibly develop a day for Q&A, or a request day for makeup, nails, hairstyles etc. I can't express how excited I am at the possibilities of my little piece of the web.